
July 14, 2023

10 AI productivity tools you have to try

In this post, we will explore top 10 AI productivity tools and how they can revolutionize the way innovators work.

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Welcome to the future of productivity! In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the world of AI productivity tools and how they can revolutionize the way innovators work. AI-enabled tools have the power to augment human capabilities, automate mundane tasks, and provide valuable insights for smarter decision-making. So, if you're ready to unleash your productivity potential, read on!

1. Understanding AI productivity tools

Before diving into the top 10 AI productivity tools available, let's first understand what they are and the benefits they bring. AI productivity tools leverage artificial intelligence technology to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and overall productivity in various tasks. By analyzing data, learning patterns, and making predictions, these tools help individuals and businesses streamline their workflows and get things done faster.

Industries like project management, content creation, analytics, scheduling, and more have experienced significant improvements with the integration of AI productivity tools. These tools empower innovators by saving time, reducing manual efforts, and enabling them to focus on more critical tasks.

A man is using AI productivity tool

2. Top AI Productivity tools you should know


FlexClip seamlessly integrates AI capabilities, providing users with tools for text-to-speech, text-to-video, background removal, and automatic subtitle generation. This versatile online platform empowers users to produce engaging video content effortlessly.

Price: Free plan available, with premium plans starting at $9.99 per month


Midjourney is an AI text-to-image generator that allows users to create unique and captivating visuals for various purposes, including social media, websites, and marketing materials.

Price: Plans start at $10 per month


Jasper is an all-purpose AI tool designed to help users with various tasks, such as content generation and AI image generation. 

Price: Premium plans start at $39 per month 


Grammarly is the mainstream spell- and structure-checking app that takes your text, feeds it to its AI algorithm, and helps you stay within the bounds of grammar. On top of that, it detects your tone, telling you if you're being formal, confident, or friendly enough.

Price: Free plan that everyone should get and paid plans starting at $12 per month


SaveDay is a Telegram bot that allows you to capture and save a range of content, from articles to YouTube videos. Utilizing AI-driven search capabilities, SaveDay retrieves your saved items with just a simple description. It also generates concise keynotes, streamlining the process of content organization and sharing. 

Price: Free 


Fliki is an AI-powered voice generation platform that turns written text into high-quality audio content. It also can pull images and b-roll videos from blogs and other sources and use them to create simple voiceover videos.

Pricing: Free plan with paid plans starting at $8 per month

Beautiful is a web-based tool that helps you create stunning presentations in minutes. The AI features are sprinkled throughout the process: you can order an AI rewrite by highlighting text and choosing the appropriate option. 

Price: Plans start at $12 per month


Otter AI is an advanced transcription service that uses artificial intelligence to provide accurate transcriptions of live meetings. It helps teams save time by taking notes, time stamping key moments, and pulling in presentation slides.

Price: Free plan available with paid plans starting at $16.99 per month 

GitHub Copilot

GitHub Copilot is an AI-powered coding assistant that helps developers write code faster and more efficiently by suggesting relevant code snippets and completing lines of code based on the user’s input. 

Price: CoPilot can be added to Github’s free plan for an add-on price of $10 per month


Synthesia is a synthetic media generation platform used to create AI generated video content. It generates virtual avatars based on a text script (doing both Text to Speech and Text to Video generation). This means that from single text prompts, Synthesia creates audio voices from it and a matching video with an avatar that is speaking it. 

Price: Starting price for individuals is $30 per month


Framer is an interactive design tool for websites and prototyping. It excels at building entire marketing sites, landing pages, online campaigns and much more. It supports every part of the design process, from visual mockups to interactive prototypes, but its unique strength is publishing directly from the canvas.

Price: Free plan available with paid plans starting at $5 per month 

3. Choosing the right AI productivity tools for your needs

With a growing number of AI productivity tools available in the market, it's essential to choose the right ones that align with your specific requirements. Consider the following factors when selecting the tools that best suit your needs:

Define your goals

Determine the specific areas where you want to increase productivity and identify the tasks that can benefit from AI assistance. Whether it's project management, content creation, data analysis, or scheduling, having a clear understanding of your goals will help narrow down your options.

Scalability and integration

Assess the scalability of the tool and its compatibility with your existing software and systems. Ensure that the AI productivity tool seamlessly integrates with your workflow processes, allowing for efficient collaboration and data sharing.


Look for tools that have intuitive interfaces and user-friendly features. AI productivity tools should enhance user experience and make tasks easier, not add complexity. Consider tools with robust customer support and training resources as well.

Reviews and recommendations

Read user reviews and testimonials to gain insights into the real-world experiences of others who have used the tools. Look for feedback on reliability, ease of use, and the specific functionalities that matter the most to you.

Cost and ROI

Consider your budget and the potential return on investment when evaluating AI productivity tools. While premium solutions may offer advanced features, there are often free or more affordable options available that can still meet your needs effectively.

4. Overcoming challenges and maximizing benefits

While AI productivity tools offer immense potential for enhancing efficiency and innovation, it's important to address potential challenges and find ways to maximize their benefits. Here are some strategies to consider:

Addressing concerns: 

Understand that the fear of job displacement and AI taking over human tasks is valid but somewhat misplaced. The goal of AI productivity tools is to assist humans, not replace them. Instead of viewing AI as a threat, recognize its ability to automate repetitive tasks and free up time for more creative and strategic work.

Training and adoption: 

Proper training and education are vital for successful implementation. Provide comprehensive training sessions and resources to help your team understand how to use the AI productivity tools effectively. Encourage open communication and address any concerns or resistance to change. Help your team see the benefits and how these tools can improve their work lives.

An AI training session

Workflow integration: 

To fully leverage AI productivity tools, consider how they fit into your existing workflow. It's important to integrate the tools seamlessly and ensure they complement your current processes rather than disrupt them. Identify areas where AI can add value and determine how it can enhance your overall productivity.

Balancing automation and human expertise: 

While AI can automate many tasks, it's essential to strike a balance between automation and human expertise. Identify tasks that require creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence, which are areas where humans excel. AI can handle repetitive and data-driven tasks, allowing humans to focus on higher-level problem-solving and decision-making.

5. The future of AI productivity tools

As AI technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, the future holds exciting possibilities for AI productivity tools. Here are some key areas to explore:

Advanced natural language processing (NLP): 

NLP will play a pivotal role in the development of AI productivity tools. As language models become more sophisticated, AI will better understand context, nuances, and intent, enabling more accurate and meaningful interactions. This opens up avenues for improved virtual assistants, automated content generation, and enhanced communication tools.

Enhanced decision-making and predictive analytics: 

AI productivity tools will continue to provide smarter and more comprehensive insights to aid decision-making. By analyzing vast amounts of data, these tools will predict trends, detect anomalies, and offer data-driven recommendations for both strategic and operational decision-making, empowering innovators to make informed choices.

Personalized workflows and adaptive assistance: 

AI tools will become increasingly tailored to individual users' preferences and work styles. They will adapt to user behavior, proactively suggesting actions, automating routine tasks, and customizing workflows accordingly. This personalized approach will amplify efficiency and cater to the unique needs of each innovator.

Collaborative intelligence: 

AI productivity tools will facilitate seamless collaboration between humans and AI systems. This collaborative intelligence will enhance teamwork by combining the strengths of human creativity and critical thinking with AI's ability to process large volumes of data and perform complex calculations. Together, humans and AI will achieve breakthroughs while working harmoniously.

Ethical considerations and responsible AI: 

As AI increasingly becomes an integral part of our daily lives, ethical questions surrounding its use will arise. The future of AI productivity tools will involve discussions and initiatives towards ensuring responsible AI practices, addressing concerns such as privacy, bias mitigation, transparency, and accountability. Innovators will play a vital role in shaping the ethical guidelines and developments in the AI space.

In conclusion, AI productivity tools offer incredible potential to transform our work lives, enhance efficiency, and drive innovation. By embracing these tools, we can automate repetitive tasks, gain valuable insights from data analysis, and collaborate seamlessly with AI systems. However, it's essential to approach their adoption thoughtfully and address potential challenges such as ethics, training, and workflow integration.

By adopting a proactive mindset, embracing a culture of learning, and collaborating with others, we can fully unlock the potential of AI productivity tools. Let us seize this opportunity to reshape the way we work, harnessing the capabilities of AI and empowering ourselves as innovators in a future driven by productivity and success.