
April 12, 2024

Top 10 high PR social bookmarking websites for SEO to boost your page rankings

Discover the top 10 high PR social bookmarking websites to boost SEO and improve your page rankings. Don't miss out on these powerful tools!

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Want to make your website rank higher on Google? Check out our list of the best high PR social bookmarking websites! It's like giving your site a superpower boost. Get ready to level up your SEO game!

1. What do high PR sites mean?

PR, or Page Rank, is like a grade that Google gives to each page on a website. It's based on how good the page is according to Google's rules. 

What do high PR social bookmarking websites mean

So, if a page has really good stuff on it, it gets a higher PR. Imagine PR as the number of votes a website gets from other sites. If many other sites link to your page, your PR increases. The more votes you get, the better your page ranks in Google searches.

Basically, the more backlinks from high PR social bookmarking websites a page receives, the higher its page rank and consequently its ranking in Google searches.

2. What are high PR backlinks?

Some time ago, PageRank (PR) was a big deal on the internet. People were obsessed with this SEO metric because it had a big impact on their website's ranking. 

High PR backlinks refer to links directed to your website from high PR social bookmarking websites, which means sites with significant authority or high page rank. They are regarded as the most potent form of backlinks available.

3. How does PR help with SEO? 

Discover how page rank improves SEO, leveraging high PR social bookmarking websites for better rankings.

How do high PR social bookmarking websites help with SEO

- Improved search engine ranking: 

Backlinks from high PR social bookmarking sites can positively influence a website's search engine ranking. Search engines like Google consider such links as indicators of a site's authority and relevance, potentially leading to higher placement in search results.

- Enhanced domain authority in your niche: 

High PR backlinks contribute to the overall authority of a website. When reputable sites link back to yours, it signals to search engines that your site is trustworthy and credible. This contributes to boosting its domain authority.

- Increased website traffic: 

Backlinks from high PR social bookmarking websites can drive targeted traffic to your website. When users click on these links on other reputable sites, they are directed to your site. Since referral traffic is organic traffic, it potentially increases your site's visibility and attracts more visitors. 

Backlinks from high PR social bookmarking websites can drive targeted traffic to your website.

- Enhanced online reputation: 

Being linked to authoritative sources can improve your website's reputation and credibility in your industry or niche. It establishes your site as a valuable resource and encourages trust among users and other websites.

- Faster indexing: 

Backlinks from high PR sites can lead to faster inclusion in search results. When search engines encounter links to your site from reputable sources, they are prompted to crawl and index your pages.

Backlinks from high PR social bookmarking websites can lead to faster inclusion in search results.

- More link juice:

Link juice is a slang term that refers to the strength transferred from one website to another through a backlink. A higher PageRank (PR) of the referring page means it can transmit more link juice to the linked pages. This is how high PR social bookmarking websites enhance their authority.

4. How do I improve my page rank?

Learn easy ways to boost your page rank with high PR social bookmarking websites. Get insights into improving your online ranking!

- Put users first: 

Your site's success in search engines relies heavily on how users interact with it. Google prioritizes user experience, so avoid creating content just for search engines. Instead, focus on delivering what users genuinely want. Google's latest algorithm emphasizes user experience, so keep that in mind for your SEO strategy.

- Analyze data regularly: 

SEO success depends on analyzing data to shape your strategy. Keep an eye on traffic and page visits to understand what works and what doesn't, to remove or update low-performing content. This is what high PR social bookmarking websites do to enhance their organic customer acquisition. 

High PR social bookmarking websites analyze data regularly

- Create top-notch content: 

Quality content is key to higher search engine rankings. Tailor your content to your target audience, using relevant keywords and phrases. Build your content around what your audience searches for most frequently to boost your site's relevance and authority.

- Update older content: 

Don't neglect existing content on your site. Regularly update and optimize it to maintain relevance. Ensure your updated content gets indexed by Google to improve its visibility.

- Improve readability: 

Enhance the readability of your content to engage both users and search engines. Easy-to-read content not only improves user experience but also signals quality to search engines, potentially boosting your SEO ranking.

Enhance the readability of your content to engage both users and search engines

- Develop a strong linking strategy: 

Internal and external links play a crucial role in SEO success. Link to authoritative sources within your content to boost credibility. Aim for backlinks from other sites by creating shareable, high-quality content. ​​Use high PR social bookmarking websites for better visibility.

- Check for broken links: 

Regularly inspect both outbound and inbound links to prevent user frustration and maintain trust. Broken links can harm user experience and impact your SEO rankings negatively.

- Diversify content types: 

Offer a variety of content formats to appeal to a broader audience and increase website traffic. Repurpose existing content into different formats, such as videos or infographics, to keep users engaged.

Diversify content types to be easily noticed by high PR social bookmarking websites

- Aim for featured snippets: 

Strive to have your content featured as a snippet at the top of search engine results. Format your content to match snippet types like lists or tables to improve visibility.

- Use alt tags: 

Include descriptive alt tags for images and videos to help search engines understand your content. Optimize alt tags with keywords to improve indexing and accessibility, particularly on high PR social bookmarking websites.

- Optimize meta titles and descriptions: 

Craft unique and descriptive meta titles and descriptions to improve user engagement on high PR social bookmarking websites.

- Add an FAQs section: 

Anticipate user questions and include an FAQs section with long-tail keywords to enhance SEO and address additional user queries.

Add an FAQs section to be

- Focus on local SEO: 

If your business serves specific geographical areas, optimize for local SEO to appear in local search results.

- Ensure mobile-friendliness: 

Make sure your website is mobile-friendly to improve SEO and user experience, especially since Google prioritizes mobile-first indexing. This is crucial for accessing high PR social bookmarking websites.

- Monitor webpage loading speeds: 

Slow loading times can deter users and harm your SEO. Regularly monitor and improve webpage loading speeds to maintain user satisfaction and search engine rankings.

5. How do I get high PR backlinks?

Unlock the secrets to obtaining high PR backlinks and boost your website's authority with proven tactics. Learn how to leverage reputable sources, including high PR social bookmarking websites, to enhance your site's visibility and search rankings.

- Guest posting: 

Collaborate with other websites in your niche through guest posting on high PR social bookmarking websites. This allows you to showcase your expertise and gain backlinks from authoritative sites in return.

Guest blogging helps gain backlinks from high PR social bookmarking websites in return.

- Data-driven content: 

Produce original research and data-driven content that provides valuable insights to your audience. Websites often link to such content as a reputable source, boosting your backlink profile.

- Web 2.0 backlinks: 

Obtain backlinks from high Domain Authority (DA) websites that utilize Web 2.0 platforms, including high PR social bookmarking websites. These platforms offer opportunities for user-generated content, providing avenues for backlink acquisition.

- Opinionated articles: 

Craft articles expressing your unique viewpoints and opinions on relevant topics within your industry. Share your insights, analysis, and perspectives to differentiate your content and attract attention from other websites looking for fresh perspectives.

Opinionated articles can often spark discussion and engagement. They are more likely to be linked to by other high PR social bookmarking websites seeking diverse viewpoints.

- Product roundups: 

Create detailed lists of essential tools or products within your niche on high PR social bookmarking websites. Curate comprehensive lists or summaries of essential tools, services, or products within your niche. 

These roundups provide valuable resources for your audience and offer opportunities to feature products from other companies. By including products from authoritative brands and showcasing their benefits, you increase the likelihood of those brands linking back to your roundup as a trusted source of information.

- Become a source for reporters and bloggers: 

Position yourself as an expert in your field and offer to provide insights or quotes for reporters and bloggers writing about relevant topics. This can result in backlinks from authoritative news sites and blogs, for example high PR social bookmarking websites.

- Build links from outdated resources: 

Identify outdated or broken resource pages within your industry and offer updated information or content as an alternative. This approach can lead to backlinks as you provide valuable updates to existing content.

- Use content formats proven to generate links: 

Focus on creating content formats such as infographics, case studies, or videos that have a track record of attracting backlinks from other high PR social bookmarking websites.

- Publish ultimate guides: 

Develop comprehensive and detailed guides on topics relevant to your audience. Ultimate guides are highly valuable resources that often attract backlinks from other high PR social bookmarking websites seeking to reference authoritative content.

- Use branded strategies and techniques: 

Develop unique branded strategies or techniques within your industry and promote them to attract attention and backlinks from other websites.

- Authority resource pages: 

Seek out authority resource pages within your niche and request inclusion of your website or content. These pages often list reputable sources, providing opportunities for backlinks to high PR social bookmarking websites.

- Send “feeler” emails: 

Reach out to website owners or bloggers with personalized emails expressing your interest in collaborating or providing valuable content. These "feeler" emails can initiate conversations that lead to backlink opportunities.

6. Top 10 high PR social bookmarking websites for SEO

Here's a list of the top 10 high PR social bookmarking websites for SEO:


SaveDay provides users with a platform to save, organize, and share web pages and articles. As a high PR social bookmarking website, SaveDay offers opportunities for backlinking by bookmarking and sharing valuable content, driving engagement and visibility among its user base.

SaveDay is one of the best high PR social bookmarking websites that can boost your web traffic


Reddit is a high PR social bookmarking website known for its diverse range of communities (subreddits) where users can share and discuss various topics. It has a high domain authority and offers opportunities for backlinking through engaging discussions and content sharing.

Reddit is a high PR social bookmarking website known for its diverse range of communities (subreddits) where users can share and discuss various topics


Pinterest is a visual discovery platform where users can discover, save, and share images and videos on different boards. With its emphasis on visuals, Pinterest is ideal for businesses and individuals looking to showcase their products or services visually. With this high PR social bookmarking website, you can attract backlinks from relevant pins.

With Pinterest as a high PR social bookmarking website, you can attract backlinks from relevant pins.

Mix (formerly StumbleUpon) 

Mix is a content discovery platform that provides personalized recommendations based on user interests. It offers a mix of articles, videos, and other content. You can get backlinks from this high PR social bookmarking website by submitting valuable and engaging content to relevant categories.

You can get backlinks from Mix - a high PR social bookmarking website - by submitting valuable and engaging content to relevant categories. is a content curation platform where users can discover, curate, and share content on various topics. With its focus on content curation and sharing, offers opportunities for backlinking by curating and sharing valuable content with a targeted audience. is a high PR social bookmarking website where users can discover, curate, and share content on various topics.


Digg is a high PR social bookmarking website where users can discover and share content from around the web. It emphasizes trending and popular content, making it an ideal platform for backlinking by submitting engaging and shareable content that resonates with a wide audience.

Digg is a high PR social bookmarking website where users can discover and share content from around the web


Slashdot is a social news website that features user-submitted news stories and discussions. It focuses on technology and related topics, making it a valuable platform for backlinking by engaging in discussions and sharing relevant content within the tech community.

Slashdot is a high PR social bookmarking website that features user-submitted news stories and discussions


Folkd is a social bookmarking platform where users can save and share web pages with others. With its emphasis on bookmarking and sharing web pages, Folkd offers opportunities for backlinking by bookmarking and sharing valuable and relevant content with a community of users.

Folkd is a high PR social bookmarking ưwhere users can save and share web pages with others.


Diigo is a social bookmarking and annotation tool that allows users to save, annotate, and share web pages. It offers features for highlighting and annotating web content, making it a valuable platform for backlinking by saving and sharing annotated content with a targeted audience.

Diigo is a high PR social bookmarking website and annotation tool that allows users to save, annotate, and share web pages.


Pocket is a content curation and bookmarking tool that allows users to save and organize articles, videos, and web pages for later viewing. This high PR social bookmarking website emphasizes content curation and organization. It offers opportunities for backlinking. Users can save and share valuable and relevant content with a personalized audience.

Pocket is a high PR social bookmarking website that allows users to save and organize articles, videos, and web pages for later viewing