SaveDay Canvas is an AI thought partner that helps you develop rational thoughts from your collection items

Get started

Transparent process

Gain a transparent thought process step by step

Personalized answer

Get answers from your saved content, just for you

Make decision rationally

Get data-driven and relevant recommendation, based on 100% of your collection items

Research quickly

Gain valuable insights derived from your collection items without re-reading a ton of links or images

Wall of love

The early adopters have spoken

Amazing PKM tool

Super pumped about this innovative tool. a great way to save an ideal amount of time, especially for a telegram nerd like me

Akoh Onate
This is an awesome idea!

I used to use the "talking to myself" feature in a chat app to save important links for quick access. Now, this can serve as a perfect replacement for me.

Younghwi Cho


정말 놀라웠어요!

내 문제는 내가 읽은 모든 내용을 다시 검색하는 것이었습니다. 다행히 SaveDay를 사용하면 제목을 기억하지 않고도 저장된 콘텐츠를 찾을 수 있습니다.

Просто супер!

Это мой незаменимый помощник. Теперь я могу сохранять любые статьи и видео с YouTube, а потом возвращаться к ним в любое время. Ничего удобнее еще не встречал.

A fantastic tool to stay organized.

SaveDay's instant saving and easy search functionality is a game-changer for productivity. Well deserved!

Md Altiam Kabir

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between SaveDay and Notion or other note-taking solutions?
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While Notion or other note-taking apps offer well-organized storage solutions for users, SaveDay provides the fastest solution for information capture with the widest range of products possible. By using SaveDay, you can effortlessly save any important information or reminders without having to navigate through multiple pages or folders, enabling you to make the most out of your time and stay productive.

Is there a fee to use SaveDay?
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The current SaveDay features on Telegram and Browser extension will be free! In the future, however, we plan to release more advanced features that are only accessible to premium users. We hope you enjoy using SaveDay and please look forward to new features coming real soon!

Is my saved content private and secure?
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Yes, we promise that all of your saved content is kept confidential and secure. The security of your data and your privacy is our top priority and SaveDay takes it very seriously. SaveDay does not share any of your content with third parties. Your data is safe with us.

Can I access my saved content from multiple devices?
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Yes, you can access your saved content from any device that has access to Telegram or Browser extensions, such as mobile phone, tablet or desktop! Simply open SaveDay to access your saved links, videos, photos and more.